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Where is Adwoa Safo? – Captain Smart asks

Blessed Godsbrain Smart, popularly known as Captain Smart is seeking the whereabouts of Dome-Kwabenya Member of Parliament, Sarah Adwoa Safo.

The Onua TV/FM journalist slammed the governing New Patriotic Party, NPP, over the manner in which they have (mis) treated the Women, Gender and Social Protection Minister.

He was referring to Adwoa Safo having been forced to lie about her presence in Parliament late last year when the House (comprising the Majority Caucus) revoked a rejection of the 2022 budget (done by the Minority Caucus) before subsequently voting to pass it.

Captain Smart accused the party and government of employing an impersonator to sit in as if she were Adwoa Safo before mocking at them over whether or not the said impersonator will be employed to continue representing her constituents.

“I decided to ask about Adwoa Safo today, where is she or are you going to present her impersonator to do her work as a lawmaker? That is E-Adwoa Safo. The electronic version of Adwoa Safo that you sent to Parliament.

“Note that the lady’s father is a pastor and she is pained that she had to lie to cover up the matter. I’m telling you, Adwoa is suffering inside. The training Apostle Kwadwo Safo gave his kid the lie Adwoa Safo told is not part of their DNA, so that thing is weighing that beautiful lady down,” Smart submitted on his Onua Maakye show on Monday, February 7, 2022.

There are rumors that Adwoa Safo is out of the country and that her absence is partly the reason why government is delaying in resubmitting the Electronic Transactions (E-levy) before the near-equal House for consideration.

“She can’t come to terms how she lied to 30.8 million Ghanaians. She has threatened she wants a Deputy Speaker position to return to the House, Smart added clarifying that even though it was a rumour, “she should come and respond.”

Source: www.ghanaweb.com

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