Home / GENERAL NEWS / Chorkor Bridge: God have mercy on you – Ursula Owusu to critics

Chorkor Bridge: God have mercy on you – Ursula Owusu to critics

Member of Parliament for Ablekuma West Constituency, Ursula Owusu-Ekuful, has claimed vindication over the collapsed floating bridge she constructed over the Chemu Lagoon.

This comes after critics blamed her for a poor work done after gushing waters from a heavy rainfall which occurred on April 26, 2020, washed away the bridge.

An Engineer with the River Restoration Limited however blamed residents for the collapse stating that they deliberately untied ropes anchoring the floating bridge on Chemu Lagoon at Chorkor.

According to Frank Ofori, “Some persons deliberately went and loosened the end rope anchoring the concrete cast, which made the bridge shift from its original location. The bridge is not broken.”

He further narrated in an interview that, when the team got there, they observed that parts of the bridge were dismantled and the barrels taken away.

“I have the pictures and videos showing some residents were jubilating when the bridge was washed to another side. It is sad and surprising that people will sit and hatch such a plan because of reason best known to them. This is unpatriotic and must stop,” he said.

Following the assertions by Frank Ofori, the Communications Minister took to Twitter to register her innocence referring to the perpetrators as “nation wreckers.”

She also lashed out at the media for ‘wrongfully’ blaming her for the poor construction of the bridge three months ago.

Ursula Owusu tweeted, “When nation wreckers deliberately destroy a bridge meant to alleviate the suffering of many, you can only wonder what kind of people we are. For the commentators and media houses who blamed me, God have mercy on you.”

Below is Ursula Owusu’s tweet


Source: www.ghanaweb.com

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