Home / POLITICS / Pockets of agitation: Are things falling part for NPP in Ashanti region?

Pockets of agitation: Are things falling part for NPP in Ashanti region?

The governing New Patriotic Party, NPP, have succeeded in adding a new phraseology to the political lexicon – i.e. ‘Breaking The Eight.’

This is in reference to the NPP’s bid to win a third consecutive term in office, which will be the first time since 1992 that a president has handed over to another from the same party.

President Akufo-Addo had described ‘Breaking The Eight,’ as the last legacy of his government during a church service late last month.

Whiles the party continues to put structures and plans in place with some two years to the 2024 polls, they have work to do in the Ashanti Region, the party’s vote bank is rightfully referred to as its “World Bank.”

The region has seen recent fightback at the lack of development and general exploitation of the electorates for political gains after which they are ‘abandoned.’

This article looks at three groups that have in the recent past threatened the NPP and government over failure to redeem campaign promises.

Mamponteng chief spits fire

Barima Saasi Ayeboafo II, Chief of Mamponteng in the Kwabre East Constituency of the Ashanti region, lambasted the government for failure to bring the needed development to his area.

Speaking at a press conference, he disclosed that going forward, they will vote based on the level of development that reaches them.

“What sin have we committed against the NPP for denying us development despite voting massively for the party? From now onwards, we will vote based on development,” he stressed.

The press conference dubbed: “Boni aye Kai” was held at the Mamponteng Palace on Tuesday, August 9, 2022.

Barima Saasi and the people of Mamponteng are the latest group in the Ashanti Region to voice concerns about how the NPP government is failing the region considered its – world bank in terms of votes.

Kwabre East youth bare teeth

Barely a week ago, an NPP youth group in the Kwabre East Constituency made similar calls.

The group clad in black and red clothes addressed a press conference on August 2, 2022, where they called out the government and Members of Parliament across the region.

“We no longer have the NPP in our DNA. It is gone. You’ve disappointed us especially, the constituents of Kwabre East,” the chairman of the group said.

The group further lamented how the acute lack of development was a consequence of the Nana Addo Dankwa Akufo-Addo government exploiting the love and dedication that the region offers over successive electoral cycles.

“Look at the issues Ashanti Region is battling with, yet we don’t see anything. You (lawmakers) just keep disgracing us. We’ve not benefited from voting 47 MPs into Parliament,” he added.

Suame youth ‘attack’ Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu

Some youth in the Suame Constituency hooted at and attacked the MP for the area and Majority Leader in Parliament, Osei Kyei-Mensah-Bonsu, over the deplorable nature of their roads and the stalled nature of work on the Suame Interchange.

Bantama youth spit fire on regional MPs

A group calling itself Asanteman Youth last month threatened electoral consequences if Members of Parliament, MPs, in the Ashanti Region fail to attract developmental projects to the NPP’s world bank.

Addressing a press conference, the spokesperson for the group, Kwame Awuah Nimfuor said the region’s 47 lawmakers needed to stand up and be counted because it is the exact reason they were voted into office.

“The votes Asanteman delivers to the NPP should make the government and its MPs realise the urgent need to work to make it the best-developed region in the country”, the spokesperson stated.

About Elvis Anokye

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