Home / GENERAL NEWS / Second wave: Ghana records 1,293 cases in two days, active cases hit 2,799

Second wave: Ghana records 1,293 cases in two days, active cases hit 2,799

Ghana has recorded 635 new cases of Covid-19 today Saturday, January 23.

This includes yesterday’s cases of 658 pushing the figure to 1,293 in two days.

The total active cases has also ballooned to 2,799.

The Ghana Health Service has reported on its covid-19 website.

The number of cumulative case count has also risen to 60,115.

Clinical recoveries from the infection have increased to 56,955.

No new death has been recorded today.

Many have attributed the surge in the country’s situation to the political rallies and walks organised by the two major parties, NPP and NDC before and during the December 7 elections.

The law enforcement agencies went to sleep on the mandatory wearing of nose masks directive by the government.

Ghanaian were on free range as radio and tv campaigns on regular handwashing, hand sanitising and social distancing stopped abruptly.

The covid-19 new variant which is more deadly has awaken the ‘sleeping’ government as many have described, to begin aggressive enforcement of the safety protocols including several arrests of persons without nose masks in public places.


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